Group insurance form

Group insurance form and notification for those peoples who retired before 6 November 2014 provincial government departments

 ٢٠١٤سے پہلےگروپ انشورنس فارم  ڈائولوڈ  کرے

  1. Click on this link

Download Group insurance form

Achievement of a guaranteed, just and prosperous society through cash related and human asset improvement, plan of cloud prospects, dazzling union and ideal use of central fixations in a reasonable way.

Record Division is in chance for the supervision and control of Commonplace Accounts, Readiness of Commonplace Spending plan, Definition and Translation of Monetary Standards, Government employees Rules identified with Pay, Stipends and Benefits, The board of Open Assets, The board of Open Charge, Banking, Coordination of National and Common Money Commissions, Organization of Nearby Store Review and Treasuries.


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